الاثنين، 18 أبريل 2016

buy bitcoin online

in the early days and the development of the internet world there something new came out it was the bitcoin, you may ask what is that, these coins are like a money on the internet, many sites support these kind of payment and all of their products bought by it, it’s good and rather cheap, it’s like a digital money through out the online world, it makes the payment and buying and selling stuff easy and better, The system is peer-to-peer; users can transact directly without an intermediary, so that mean the money transfer is rather easy and have no complicated steps to go through and it’s free that not any percentage will be cut from your original transferring, it found out by Satoshi Nakamoto and published it in 2008 and released in 2009 as a system operation transfer in a lot of web pages, 1 bitcoin is $378.7, to buy bitcoin online there is a lot of sites that give you that option to get it in cheap prices. 43694

الجمعة، 15 أبريل 2016

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السبت، 9 أبريل 2016

Real income

    Firstly online income is the extra income you make from the sales, or job done on the net. It is booming all over the world today because it is easy and not that time concious, it does not require a specific time or place, you can do it right in your house at your own convinient time. Some people today ask if there is a way someone can make money online? The answer is yes because today the world is a global villiage were everything can be done on the net. Also in other to understand how these income is made you must firstly understand how the internet works. The internet is simply information and we use the web to search for information, so what it takes to make an online income is simply giving the web users what they are looking for which are information, cus they need easy solutions to solve there problems. Or you can also make money online by building your own websites and filling it up with reasonable information, you must offer valuable things to your site visitors, whether it is how to make money online or tips on buying new electronics like laptops, palmtop, television sets e.t.c. You must give them good reasons for making use of your site. Take a look at google, they have built over a billion of dollar companies, just because they tell people were to get information on the web, there homepage is one of the simpliest page on the web and has not been changed since 1998 they started and they gives out valuable information/content to there visitors. It is true that you are not google but even the smallest webmaster can offer valuable information to there visitors, everyone is an expert on something, you can take your favourite hobby or pastime and run it. Just build a site, gather informations, create an online presence for your choosen topic or hobby and you are in business. Once you have built reputations for useful information the search engeens and visitors will tell the world about your site content.

New Bitcoin NFC mobile payments provider Shake launches alpha test - SiliconANGLE (blog)

Want to pay for your morning coffee with Bitcoin but don't want to carry a Bitcoin debit card? Soon you will be able to with Canadian startup Shake Labs, Inc. releasing an alpha test of its new Near Field Communication (NFC) payment solution that ... Iao
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sell btc

Sometimes you need to exchange Bitcoin for USD or other currencies, read along to find out where you can sell your bitcoins. I highly recommend this method to anyone in the United States. All you do is deposit your Bitcoin to the address listed on your Accounts page (by clicking ’Get bitcoin address’), and then hit up the sell btc page. Once there you can visit the Sell page inputting the amount you’d like to earn in exchange for your BTC. You can join an online exchange such as Bitstamp, Circle, BTC-E, or Kraken. These websites enable you to deposit Bitcoin to your account so that you can create sell orders. Then over time, or even instantly, buyers will complete the orders giving you USD to withdraw. Please proceed with caution though, you will want to thoroughly research the exchange you want to use. Sites like MTGOX (now defunct) have ran into issues and shut down overnight. You don’t want to get caught holding the bag. 9802.

sell bitcoin paypal

Bitcoin is the first implementation of a concept called ’criptocurrency’ which was first announced in 1998 by Wei Dai in mailing cypherpunks, suggesting the idea of ​​a new form of money that uses cryptography to control their issuance and transactions, to contrary to rely on a central authority. The first specification and validation of the concept were published in 2009 in a mailing list dedicated to Satoshi Nakamoto cryptography by. Satoshi left the project in late 2010 without saying so many things about himself. Since then, the community has grown exponentially, with many programmers working on Bitcoin. Satoshi’s anonymity often raised concerns unjustified, many of them related to open source nature of Bitcoin misunderstanding. Bitcoin protocol and software are freely published and any programmer in the world can see the code or do their own modified version of the software Bitcoin. As programmers current, Satoshi’s influence was limited by the fact that the changes made to it must be adopted by others and because of that he had no control over Bitcoin. As such, the identity of the inventor Bitcoin is probably as relevant today as the identity of the person who invented paper. Today it is verry usualli to buy or sell bitcoin paypal in ten minutes. 58765